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Our NEWS PAGE is here to be a constant resource for all your industrial service needs.
Reducers in Process Piping
A reducer is a kind of pipe fitting used in process piping that reduces the pipe size from a larger bore to a smaller bore (inner diameter).
Measures to keep essential pipeline control room operators safe from COVID-19
Each CEPA member has at least one control room. Busy, highly focused and fast-paced professional environments, these are sophisticated facilities where operators monitor pipelines 24/7.
How This New Trend In The Energy Industry Could Affect You
As global markets continue to be volatile, and the on-going COVID-19 pandemic affects the workforce, the energy sector has progressively become more conservative and it’s affecting the way investors perceive the industry.
Pipelines: A valuable lifeline for Canada
Canada’s vast pipeline network links us to the energy we need to run our hospitals, light our homes, fuel our industries, or transport food and medical supplies. Pipelines keep us safe.
Myth vs Fact
There are a lot of myths about transmission pipelines that can cause misunderstanding and confusion. Part of our role is to clarify these myths.
Pipelines in 2021: Helping Canada tackle new challenges and opportunities - About Pipelines
Pipelines in 2021 will continue to play a key role in helping Canada tackle new challenges and take advantage of new opportunities.
Why Pipeline Expanion is Needed | About Pipelines
Employing more Canadians, supporting more programs, bringing newer, safer technology on line are all priorities.v
How does a natural gas pipeline work?
2020: A look back at progress for pipelines
I’m proud to say the pipeline industry kept our commitments, despite the pandemic’s challenges.
How much do you know about energy and pipelines?
Employee Spotlight: Jamie Hanson
Meet Jamie Hanson, our Operations Optimization Manager at Red Flame Industries Inc.
How much do you know about energy and pipelines?
In the spirit of students’ return to the classroom, we’re starting the school year with a blog quiz!
Employee Spotlight: Rob Holloway
Meet Rob Holloway, our Eastern Project Manager at Red Flame Industries Inc.
The ‘G’ in ESG – Sustainable performance begins and ends with leadership
In this, the final installment of our three-part ESG series, we’ll examine why governance is a critical aspect of ESG. If you want to catch up, check out our blogs on the environment and social elements of ESG.
7 Methods of Coating Thickness Measurement
Coating film thickness is an important variable that plays a role in product quality, process control and cost control. Measurement of film thickness can be done with many different instruments.
QUIZ: Pipeline Crack Inspection (15 Questions to Test Your Knowledge)
The S in ESG: Managing social responsibility and stakeholder relationships
For Canadian pipeline companies, social factors relate to managing relationships with three major groups: employees; the communities where they build and operate; and Indigenous communities.
Soluble Salts and Coating Performance
Residual soluble salts can affect coating performance by accelerating the corrosion process and by causing osmotic blistering with subsequent disbondment of the coating.
Pipelines still the safest way to transport energy - About Pipelines
We aim to help Canadians build their knowledge about energy, so they’re fully equipped to make informed energy decisions.
Employee Spotlight: Carter Northey
Meet Carter Northey, the Business Development and Marketing expert at Red Flame Industries Inc.